Community Murals
Our Community Mural program is rooted in the belief that all residents no matter their zip code should have exposure to and input in the creation of public art. Many of our underserved communities don’t have access to the resources necessary for these expensive pieces of art and are left with crumbling retaining walls and vandalized structures that are a further drain on their neighborhood. Our team of artists work with residents, community groups, business owners, and local youth on determining the creative content representative of their neighborhood. With our expertise in mural work combined with the power of volunteers and outside resources we are able to quickly and creatively transform deteriorating public spaces into celebrated community places.

Interested in a mural in your community? Let us know if you have a particularly “troubled” location in mind and we can help connect you with the resources and creative expertise.

New Lines
In recent years many of OTR and Pendleton alleyways have been gated and privatized, in prioritization of the car and to remediate issues of misuse. New Lines is an ongoing collaboration with ArtWorks that offers artistic innovative solutions to issues of neglect in Cincinnati’s alleys. Instead of solving problems by putting up gates and barriers, the goal of New Lines is to create art that encourages connection, diversity, and inclusion as a way to revitalize these underutilized, forgotten spaces. All of the artwork was curated, designed, and highlights the practices of local, underrepresented artists. Painted with the help of dozens of ArtWorks youth apprentices, these reimagined places create a sense of discovery for the pedestrian and encourages positive use of these beautiful public spaces.