Adopt A Spot
Is there a place in your neighborhood that could use some extra care? Adopt-A-Spot by cleaning littered curbs, sidewalks, and vacant lots; cutting grass and high weeds; removing unsolicited graffiti; planting greenery; and other activities.
Any individual or organized group or business may participate! Individuals, organizations, or businesses can adopt an area together. All adopted spots must be on public property or in the public right-of-way including traffic islands, city-owned vacant lots, and the right of way between the curb and the sidewalk. We provide you supplies, materials, and an official sign recognizing your efforts.

Sign Up & Submit Results
Get involved with our Adopt-A-Spot program and help create positive change in your community! Through your reporting, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful can better serve our neighborhoods, gain insights into litter issues across the city, and allocate resources more effectively. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our environment.
How it Works
Want more details before you apply? Explore our interactive story map, complete with informative maps and instructions to get involved.
Have specific questions? — Contact us for more information.
Madison@KeepCincinnatiBeautiful.org or call 513-352-4383